ArmoGear Laser Tag, also called ArmoGear Laser Battle, is a home laser tag set played with two or four people; this laser tag set also comes with wireless infrared blasters and targets with small vests; it can be upgraded.
There is also an option in which LED functionality or other accessories are also available, which makes your playing experience better.
ArmoGear Laser Tag: The toy launched in the U.S. is made by NessToy. ArmoGear Laser Tag is a fun toy that is very beautiful to look at.

ArmoGear Laser Tag comes in two sets: The ArmoGear Laser Tag Pack of 2 can be played by two people, and two or more people can play the ArmoGear Laser Tag Pack of 4.
The guns are not that different from other products you will find online; they are all similar in terms of their designs and features; some come with vests, and some do not. Some LEDs provide functionality, while others do not.

Regarding LED functionality, the ArmoGear Laser Tag is also available as a set with digital LED score display vests and rechargeable batteries.
If we talk about Target vests, ArmoGear looks beautiful and is comfortable to wear, and most children like it.
1. Weapon Modes with Sound Effects
it is the best feature of the laser set; you can use it in guns in different modes.
- Pistol
- Shotgun
- Machine gun
- Rocket
Each weapon mode has ammunition levels and a total number of shots you can fire simultaneously.
Heavier mode: ArmoGear Laser Tag has this setting in which you can set this feature as per your requirement as to how much damage you have to give to steal your opponent’s life.
But while setting heavier mode, you have to keep one thing in mind: the more you increase the damage rate, the less ammo you will get in the gun.
It will help you choose the right weapon, and you can also change the settings as many times as you want while playing, but you will have to reload the gun every time you shift weapon mode.
It has very good sound effects, it includes voice-over, and that voice will tell you which weapon mode you are using. And how many more Amminiti are left in the gun, and many more?
The sound effects in some laser tag products do not sound that good, but the sound effects of ArmoGear sound very good.
2. Multi-Player Capability
Another cool feature is ArmoGear, which lets you play with four different teams, each with a different colour to identify them.
It also means you can add more than one ArmoGear laser tag gun to fight; all the guns work well together. If you have eight players together, you can buy eight blasters and play together.
To select the team with which you will play, all you have to do is press the small button above the weapon mode in the blaster.
3. Invisibility Mode and Night Vision Flashlight
The wireless vest has two more features from other brands and home laser tag sets; both have invisibility and night vision modes, which add value to them.

With the feature of invisibility mode, you can turn on the lights of the guns and turn off the vest to hide your location from it. When you use it, you will become invisible for 15 seconds. Whenever an enemy hits you, you can immediately turn on the lights.
Night vision flashlight is very useful when you play in a dark place; with this feature, you can generate light steam from the front of the blaster, which will help you find your way in the dark.
4. Upgrade to LED Set
it is one of the most technologically advanced home laser tag sets. ArmoGear Laser Tag Set with LED vests and rechargeable batteries, blasters are similar to standard sets, plus its vest has a digital score feature, which is very good.

Its biggest feature is that if you upgrade it, this blaster has built-in rechargeable batteries and a charging station to charge the batteries.
5. Add Accessories
To enhance the laser tag experience, ArmoGear offers several accessories that buyers may be interested in.
The most interesting accessory is the spider bug target Thai, which you can use in solo play and target practice. Make the spider target move around, and you will have great fun playing.

Other accessories you may like are the inflatable barrels, with which you can create a laser tag battlefield and the case with which you can steal guns and vests from the safe store.