Shooting is like a hobby for many people including kids, youngsters and even older citizens. It is a fun activity to do with your friends, family and close relatives. When we talk about shooting, many people prefer to use a nerf gun as it is easier and more convenient to use. People of any age group can play a shooting game by using a nerf gun as it is a safer mode of shooting which does not hurt the people around and gives a more realistic experience to the players.
The Nerf gun mechanism uses a nerf blaster and a plunger to shoot out foam darts that go and strike the target with a high velocity.
People should know about the different type of nerf darts that are available in the market, as a better dart ensures a better level of satisfaction to them
Types of darts:
Now that the role of a nerf dart in a nerf gun is clear, you might have understood its importance in giving a good experience to the players. So it is really necessary to choose the correct nerf dart for a better experience.
Here are some of the nerf darts with their year of invention and their qualities:
1.) Sharpshooter Dart:

The first nerf darts were invented in the year 1992 which were known as the Sharpshooter darts. They had a length of 9 cm and a diameter of 1.6 cm and they came as a package that included a blaster along with the darts.
2.)Mega Dart

Mega darts were the first variation in the darts produced by Nerf. These were produced in 1993 and were exactly the same size as the sharpshooter darts. Designed in a systematic color theme of black and red, these darts had a sucker at the top which made them stick to any surface including the walls and the windows.
3.) Micro Dart:

These darts were introduced in the year 2003 and were a bit smaller in size as compared to the other two discussed above. It had a length of about 8.3 cm and diameter of 1.3 cm and was known for having a longer shelf life.
4.) Whistler Dart:

These nerf darts were exactly the same as the micro darts but had a hole in the front that created a whistle sound when it was shooted. It was introduced in 2003 and was exactly the same size as the micro darts.
5.) Sonic Micro Dart:

Sonic micro darts also produced the same sound of a whistle as the whistler dart but it is known to be less accurate than the whistler dart. It was also introduced in the year 2003 and has a length of 8 cm and diameter of 1.3 cm.
6.) N-Strike Micro Dart:

These darts were introduced in the year 2003 and had a sucker at the top. They were an advancely customized version of the micro darts that were introduced 10 years prior to them. They had a length of 8.3 cm and a diameter of 1.3 cm.
7.) Tagger Micro Dart:

These nerf darts were introduced in the year 2004. Their length was 8.3 cm and diameter was 1.3 cm and they possessed a capacity to stick to surfaces like clothing material.
8.) Streamline Dart:

These were the most famous type of N-strike darts, introduced in the year 2006. They had a length of 7.2 cm and a diameter of 1.2 cm and held the capacity to shoot exactly as the Longshot CS-6 which was the first nerf blaster that used a clip.
9.) Tagger Micro Whistler Dart:

These were a more customized version of the Tagger micro dart and were introduced in the year 2003. It had a length of 8.3 cm and a diameter of 1.3 cm and it made a whistle sound while it was being shot.
10.) Elite Dart:

These darts were introduced in the year 2012 and made a remarkable history in the nerf dart types. It was the first nerf dart that was the most accurate and powerful when it comes to firing. It had a length of 7 cm and a diameter of 1.3 cm.
11.) Collectible Dart:

These nerf darts are designed in such a way that the color combination that they possess is more suitable for the girls shooters. They had a length of 7 cm and a diameter of 1.3 cm which is exactly the same as the elite nerf darts.
12.) Zombie Strike Dart:

These types of nerf darts were released in the year 2013 and they belonged to the Zombie Strike nerf dart category of nerf blasters. Their length is 7 cm and the diameter is 1.3 cm and they came in a green color that matches the Zombie theme.
13.) N-Strike Mega Dart:

These were the first darts in the N- strike mega dart series which were introduced in the year 2013. Their length was 9.3 cm and diameter was 1.9 cm and they were one of the best nerf darts that became very popular when they were introduced.
14.) Suction Dart:

These darts were introduced in the year 2014 and once again they had a sucker on the top. Their length was 1.2 cm and diameter was 7.2 cm which is the same throughout.
15.) Doomlands Darts:

These nerf darts were released in the year 2015. Their length was 7 cm and diameter was 1.3 cm.
16.) GlowStrike Darts:

These darts were released in the year 2016 and as the name suggests they actually had the ability to glow in the dark. It has a length of 7 cm and a diameter of 1.3 cm.
17.) AccuStrike Dart:

Introduced in the year 2017, AccuStrike is one of the finest darts ever introduced. They were more accurate and had a unique spiral-like structure due to which they move forward in a horizontal direction. These are 7 cm long and have a diameter of 1.3 cm.
18.) AccuStrike Mega Dart:

Just after an year of the release of the AccuStrike Dart, it’s more powerful and mega model was introduced. This version was much more accurate and had a higher range than the AccuStrike Dart. It was introduced in the year 2018 and had a length of 9.3 cm along with a diameter of 1.9 cm.
19.) Ultra Dart:

These were introduced in the year 2019 and were the first darts to get introduced in the new Ultra series. They came in a combination of black and orange color. Their length was 6.2 cm and diameter was 1.5 cm.
20.) Fortnite Dart:

These darts were introduced in the year 2019 and followed a specific color theme of blue and purple. These nerf darts were 7 cm long and at a diameter of 1.3 cm.
21.) Fortnite Mega Dart:

These darts were introduced in the same year as the Fortnite Darts. They had an orange and purple color theme and were comparatively bigger in size as compared to the fortnight that. They had a length of 9.3 cm and a diameter of 1.9 cm.
22.) Elite 2.O Dart:

These were a better and customized version of the Elite darts and these were introduced in the year 2020. They came in two different color options which make them special from other nerf darts. They had a length of about 7 cm and a diameter of 1.3 cm.
23.) Mega XL Dart:

In 2021 came a new series of nerf blasters called the Mega XL series of blasters. It is the biggest dart till date and produces a whistle sound when it is being shooted. It was a total of 10 cm long and had a diameter of 3.8 cm which is usually bigger than the normal nerf darts.
24.) AccuStrike Ultra Dart:

it is a better version of the Ultra Dart and it was introduced in the year 2021. It has a complete unique color scheme with a length of 6.2 cm and a diameter of 1.5 cm.